Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Make Sure to Vote in the Texas Primaries Today!

Today are the Texas Primaries. This is a chance to narrow the selection to one Republican and Democratic candidate for the official governor's election in November. Here are the following candidates:

Rick Perry
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Debra Medina

Bill White
Farouk Shami

She's got my support.

What are voting requirements?
1. You must be 18 by election date
2. not convicted of a felony
3. not declared mentally incompetent by a court of law

How can I register?
1. Register with the Department of Public safety when you renew you license
2 register in person at the country Voter Registrar's office
3. register by mail at www.sos.state.tx.us
4. you must be at least 17 years and 10 months of age
5. the applicant must be received in the Voter Registrar's office or postmarked 30 days
before an election for you to be eligible to vote in that election

Commonly asked questions that every voter should know:
Q: Where do I vote?
A: Polling are usually listed in your local newspapers in the weeks before the election. Call your
County Clerk, Country Elections Administrator, or political subdivision conducting the
election in order to find your polling location.
Q: What is “early voting”?
A: “Early voting” is a way to cast your ballot before Election Day either in person or by mail.

Click on this link and register. Keep in mind that every vote counts, and this is a free process.

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